Sunday, April 13, 2014

Incessant Posting

This post is dedicated to my dear friend (you know who you are), who texted me

"I just checked the blog.
What no post???? Aren't
you on the road? Lazy"

We had just arrived at our first campground (Pismo, of course), hadn't even checked in yet!  And nothing worth mentioning happened on the drive (thank goodness).  So I went searching for something interesting to blog about while walking with Marley.

Marley waiting patiently for his walk.

Walking down the beach we stumbled upon the final afternoon of the 12th Annual KiteXPO, which is the largest kite boarding event in the country.  Kite boarding combines surfing and hang gliding with large kites. The weather was perfect with a slight wind.   The kite boarders were amazing weaving their way up and down the shore and performing tricks for the crowd.

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It was getting late in the afternoon so many were starting to call it a day.

There was still at least one kite boarder trying to catch as much time on the water as possible.

My 3 Fun Facts:
  1. There is an actual term “kitemare”, which is a combination of “kite” and “nightmare”, and you can pretty much figure out what it means.
  2. The fact that they offer a clinic, “How to Recognize an Injured Kiter”, tells me that I will not be trying the sport of kiteboarding.
  3. Telling your friends that you are writing a blog about your travels, raises the expectations of those friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is bugging you about posting?? Our friend Dave loves kite boarding... that's what he does down in Outer Banks every year! lym Dani