Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Buckle

Our next stop is Willow Creek to visit our friends Rich and Anne.  We are hoping for some dry weather so we can fix the leak we discovered during the Arcata rain.  I guess when you live in the desert you can own your RV for over a year and not know that you have a significant leak in your slide.

Bill and Rich have been friends since college.  In fact, Rich was there for Bill’s first day of teaching and just happened to stop for a visit on Bill’s last day of teaching.  How serendipitous! Whenever we get together we always have the best time and just pick up wherever we left off no matter how long between visits.

Rich and Anne are building their retirement home on a small half acre lot with the Trinity River behind them and a killer view of the Salmon mountains in the Trinity Alps out their front door.  They have been working on the place for less than a year and it is coming along beautifully.  The house is small but very roomy due to the open floor plan and high ceilings.

I love Anne’s gardens, she is a woman with a plan!  The sunflower shaped garden in the front will be spectacular this summer.  She is so knowledgeable about plants that many times when she was describing a plant or flower I would just nod my head in awe.

Rich cooked an excellent dinner and we stayed up past midnight laughing and telling stories (all true of course).  Unfortunately, Anne had to go to work in the morning.  She woke up feeling under the weather, lets call it the flu, but before she went to work and while the rest of us were still sleeping, she whipped together a delicious raspberry buckle for our breakfast.  I am soooo impressed!

Since it was a beautiful day we packed up the dogs (Marley had his backpack with our beer) and headed to East Fork Campground for a hike.  Rich and Anne spent last summer working as a campground host here, so Rich provided a narrative during our hike on last season's more colorful campers and their escapades.  The campground has not yet opened for the season so we had the place to ourselves and the dogs could run free.

We hiked the steep road at the end of the campground which seemed to go uphill forever.  All of a sudden Marley spied something and jumped over the edge down the hill into deep undergrowth.  After about five minutes he was able to find his way back up to the road, minus the backpack.  Rich was the hero and ventured into the brush to rescue the backpack and the beer.

If you look closely you can see Rich with the backpack.

After enjoying the hard earned beer, we finished our hike and headed back to Willow Creek to successfully fix our leak (thanks, Rich, for the use of your ladder and chop saw) and make some dinner.  We settled in around the campfire, ate dinner, played an exciting game of corn hole, told some more lies, laughed til we cried, and had raspberry buckle with ice cream for our late night dessert.

Love you guys!

Thanks again for a wonderful time and we hope to return the hospitality at the cabin in October.

Today's 3 Fun Facts:
  1. The large, showy white "petals" of the dogwood blossoms are actually leaf like structures called bracts positioned behind the small flower. Poinsettias have the same structure.
  2. A buckle is a member of the cobbler family which includes crumbles, crisps, bettys, pandowdies, and grunts. 
  3. Don't trust your dog to carry your beer.

Raspberry Buckle

1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
3 large eggs
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 pint raspberries
powdered sugar for dusting

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  butter a 2 quart oval or square baking dish.

Cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer until fluffy.  Add eggs, one at a time beating after each addition.  Whisk dry ingredients and add gradually to wet with mixer on low speed.  Spread in dish, scatter berries on top.  Bake until toothpick comes out clean, 45-50 minutes.  Let cool 20 minutes, dust with powdered sugar.


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