Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lunar Peek-a-Boo

We had high hopes for a clear viewing the lunar eclipse.  The moon rose over the trees in full splendor filling us with anticipation for the main event.


We watched and watched (eclipses take time) as the earth’s shadow started its journey across the moon.


Then the clouds rolled in and that was the end of the eclipse for us. We never did get to the Blood Moon stage. It was a disappointment especially since we stayed up well past our bedtime to watch.  Maybe next time.

My 3 Fun Facts for today:
  1. This was the first of a series of four total eclipses to concluded in September 2015.
  2. The phenomenon is known as a tetrad, in which the moon is completely covered by the earth’s umbral shadow for four eclipses in a row.
  3. The beach is not the best location to watch a lunar eclipse.


Unknown said...

The desert would be the best eclipse viewing!

Unknown said...

The best place for viewing the eclipse was the desert. Too bad it was on a school night, past our bedtimes!

Unknown said...

The best place for viewing the eclipse was the desert. Too bad it was on a school night, past our bedtimes!