Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mustard, Mayonnaise and Ketchup

After successfully navigating the road construction out of Mount Rainier, we just drove a few miles down the road and stayed at a very nice campground at Alder Lake, still no laundry facilities, we are in desperation mode.  There will be a laundromat tomorrow come hell or high water.  In the meantime we will chill outside so we don't have to look at it.

The next morning we hit the road, with renewed determination.  We stopped at Castle Rock, asked directions to a laundromat and settled in.  Two and a half hours and six loads later, I am a happy camper once again.  We continued down I-5 to the Portland area to visit our friends Karen and Ken.

We had a wonderful visit, while they cooked us a fabulous dinner.  It was delicious.  The next day between rain downpours, we headed across the street to meet Karen's horse, Bud.

Literally, across the street, can you see the beast in the driveway?

Marley and Bud getting to know each other.

The stables have a large indoor arena and today there were about eight children having fun with the horses in the arena.

Just before we went back to Karen's house (when the rain let up), we met three special horses, Mustard, Mayonnaise and Ketchup.

We had a wonderful visit.  Thank you, Karen, for the homemade honey and dill pickles, cinnamon bread, fresh flowers and Ken's book.  We scored!

Today's 3 Fun Facts:

  1. Alder Lake is a 7 mile reservoir formed by the Alder Dam on the Nisqually River.
  2. In Washington if a power company dams a river it is required to develop a recreation area on the reservoir.
  3. Clean laundry is a wonderful thing.

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