Monday, May 19, 2014

Birthday and Mother's Day

We spent the weekend in Portland visiting family.  My sister-in-law generously offered her driveway for the beast, but we had to do a little tree trimming before we could park.

Thanks for your driveway Maria.
We always have the best time with Maria and her family and this weekend was no exception.  Saturday night we attended a birthday party for Zafreen's fiance, Warren.

Happy Birthday, Warren!

It was a fun party with lots of laughs and wedding talk.  Warren and Zafreen are getting married in August and her sister, Nadia, is marrying Chad in March.  So many wedding details to discuss.

Zafreen and Warren

Chad and Nadia
Bill was a little overwhelmed by all the talk of venues, colors, flowers, karaoke, food, cake, and tea length dresses.  I think he was thankful that we kept it simple and were married in the judge's chambers with Ralph the bailiff  as our only witness.  It worked for us.

Maria, her mother and sister, Carmen.

Maria, the photobomber.
Sunday was Mother's Day and the ladies invited me to join them for pedicures and lunch.  Bill stayed at Maria's with Marley and Abby (Maria's lab) and enjoyed the peace and quiet.  Actually, while enjoying the solitude (we have been together for 24/7 for the last month after all), he fixed a few things around Maria's house, the man cannot sit still. 

Meanwhile, across town we had a wonderful time, so much so that I only took one picture the entire day (and not a very good one).

Thank you ladies for including me in your Mother's Day celebration.  Love you all.

Today's 3 Fun Facts:
  1. Costco sells flowers at wholesale prices.
  2. Pedicures for six ladies takes a little bit of time.
  3. Most men don't know what a tea length dress is.

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